New Release

Simply The Best

Beverly Coat Hang
Since 1915

About Beverly coat hanger

Who we are

Beverly Coat Hanger Co., Inc. is the industry’s preeminent producer of garment hangers. Our leadership has been achieved and is maintained through our ability to consistently provide our customers with the absolute finest quality product and by our ability to successfully support our customers with punctual delivery, innovative design and outstanding customer service. Our unwavering product quality is derived from continuous investment in modern state of the art equipment and our retention of highly skilled craft personnel. Our prestigious clientele require flawless quality, and that is exactly what we deliver.

Worldwide GOH (garment on hanger) programs are facilitated through both our Hong Kong and Austin, TX offices. We are continuously engaged in large international GOH programs for many of our customers, and our sales and administrative staff are available to provide knowledgeable support for your specific requirements.
Our history of over 90 years of experience is assurance that your quality requirements, timely delivery, customer support and economic considerations will be consistently satisfied.

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